Monday, February 17, 2003

I finally was able to delete the links to Queerknit and Dykewrite but I actually want them there. I just want to control WHERE they are. OK, I am a control freak of sorts. I like balance and symmetry. (I park in the part of the lot with the fewest cars to "Balance" it........Yes, it's a disease.) I don't know if anyone is getting this but if you are, could you tell me how to fix things? My email is Thanks.

Saturday, February 15, 2003

February 15, 2003

What am I doing wrong? I appear to be enrolled in the Queerknit webring but I keep getting sent to a place that says I am not.

February 15, 2003

OK, my first post slipped away. My second is here but the Queerknit logo appears to be missing although it takes me someplace.....HELP!

I should be writing a couple of articles that are due today but I really hate to finish anything until the absolute last minute and sometimes local news gets pretty boring.....

Short intro: I spend my days as a child welfare case worker and my off hours as a freelance writer. I'd like to freelance full-time but it's not in the financial cards yet. So I trudge off to the land of the baby snatchers three days a week. Fortunately, my partner is willing to subsidize my freelancing so I only have to work half-time. Now if I could just convince them to let me work at home......Am actually working on that.

I am a crazed fiber freak. My home office is dedicated roughly 40/60 to office/yarn. I currently have four projects in process: a pullover vest for my son-in-law, a cardigan for my 4 you granddaughter, a beaded purse for my 19 yo and a turtleneck sleeveless sweater for my 13 yo. I hope to finish three of the projects within the week and start on a Fair Isle vest for my partner. Then maybe I'll take a break and make something for me.

What else? I also spin, weave, crochet, sew, and bead. But knitting is my first love......